Christ Alone...
I think you should rethink your strategy... critical thinkers on this board... not blind followers...
In the meantime, here's a thread I think you'll enjoy...
Caleb's Airplane
jehovah's witnesses do not do that!
again: jehovah's witnesses do!
jehovah's witnesses!.
Christ Alone...
I think you should rethink your strategy... critical thinkers on this board... not blind followers...
In the meantime, here's a thread I think you'll enjoy...
Caleb's Airplane
if this is "the truth," why has the information provided over the years contained so many errors?
at what point does "error" become "outright lie" for you?
how high (or low) are your standards for your spiritual leaders?
There's a big difference between pulling utter BS out of your butt hole and an actual "mistake"...
When you make up rubbish and then get caught, there is no other recourse but to admit your lie... but the Watchtower has spun their "admissions of guilt" into "new understandings" without actually admitting that they simply make up shit as they go along...
You haven't even scatch the surface yet... when you do, come back and join the discussion... For now, it's best that you run along with your brainwashed friends... Otherwise, I may have to report you to the GB 2.0... we wouldn't want that to happen now would we? After all, you could find yourself in a JC for interacting with known apostates... In fact, if Armageddon comes this afternoon, you will be destroyed with no hopes of resurrection...
fascinating paragraph on page 3.... .
our main reason for being a part of our christian brotherhood is our love for jehovah.
so we love to learn about him and to teach others about him.
Fascinating paragraph on page 3...
Our main reason for being a part of our Christian brotherhood is our love for Jehovah. So we love to learn about him and to teach others about him. And we love the people whom Jehovah loves. When we help them in times of need, we do not expect God to thank us. Instead, we thank God because we view our Christian brotherhood as a precious gift from him. As the last days of this loveless world are winding down, may we continue to demonstrate love for the whole association of brothers!
in the 10/1 1998 watchtower study article titled,''jehovah,a god merciful and gracious'' there is a footnote that reads:.
parables and other illustrations related in the bible did not necessarily take place in actuality.futhermore,since the purpose of these stories is to teach a moral lesson,there is no need to seek a symbolic meaning in every detail.. matthew 24:45-47, in the new world translation, reads "who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
Excellent thread... bump-worthy...
tergiversation \tuhr-jiv-uhr-say-shuhn\ , noun:.
1. the act of practicing evasion or of being deliberately ambiguous.. web definitions:equivocation: falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language.
Interesting... this is actually a common word in the Spanish language (spelled tergiversacion)... most hispanics will say that the definition of this word is "a twisting the facts" ... but this Princeton Univesity definition is interesting...
a good friend of mine who was never a jdub entertains the jws at his door and enjoys a friendly debate with them.. my friend is an atheist/agnostic (let's not get too picky on defenitions here).. the jws see him as fodder for the kingdom hell.
he tells them he knows me and they make no negative comments about me.
obviously they don't want to put him off methinks.. he was given a 'study edition'(tm) to my surprise.. he read it.
Punk... I'm guessing that jdub who placed a Study rag at your friend's house probably hasn't read the WT rags often enough to know the difference between the Public and Study editions... this probably happens more often than we think...
so it was only my mother, two of my sisters and i that had to move.
you cant really play soccer by yourself.. i turn to the jws for friends but there were no kids my age and kids a few years older than me started to hate me.
i liked the elder saw him as my dad i didnt want to say no.
you had to shake everyone's hands before and after the meetings to be considered for the ministerial servant position? i thought that only happened to me! i guess this is an unwritten rule somewhere... anyways, thanks for sharing...
i have wrote six pages so far it seems the more i write the more i have to say .i have many mixed thoughts its frustrating to have to go this.
i wish i could just fade but that is not possable.
how long were your letters?.
I wrote 8 pages before I realized I was simply playing by the Watchtower's stupid rules. More importantly, I was making life easier for them since all they would have to do is say "C.A. is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" and then have the closing prayer.
Write the letter if you must, but I can guarantee that it will not be read in its entirety. This is because the JW mind is trained to immediately shut down at the slightest hint of criticism towards the Corporation. Just saying, your efforts will likely be in vain...
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
So the significant change that was to be announced at the Annual Meeting was NOT related to disfellowshipping?
Maybe the GB saw this thread (with over 33,000 hits) and decided to postpone this change... Instead, they just decided to declare that the Governing Body is the Faithful & Discreet Slave (not the annointed who are still alive around the globe) and that we all need to just shut up, stop the rumours and listen to what they have to say.
i live in brussels, belgium.
i became a witness at the age of 18. my parents were not quite happy.
my father forbade me to attend more than one meeting a week.
I thought the Governing Body were just delusional misguided men. Now I'm just discovering that they are just twisted and evil.